Cole Carrano – Dartmouth – Title: Fleet structured assessment models to improve selectivity estimates for eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna
Author(s): Cole Carrano and Steve Cadrin
Kamran Walsh – Dartmouth – Title: Evaluating the Effects of Input Controls on Expected Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) Recreational Landings and Discards
Author(s): Kamran Walsh, Sarah Gaichas, Geret DePiper, Julia Beaty, Andrew Carr-Harris, Chelsea Tuohy, Tracey Bauer, Scott Steinbeck, Gavin Fay
Fiona Edwards – Dartmouth – Title: Multispecies Portfolio Management: Demonstration for Eight U.S. Regional Fisheries
Author(s): Fiona Edwards, Lauran Brewster, Jason Link, Steven Cadrin
Jessica Kittel – Dartmouth – Title: Climate-informed stock assessment of yellowtail flounder off New England
Author(s): Jessica Kittel, Lisa Kerr, Alex Hansell, Hubert de Pontavice, Conor McManus, Steve Cadrin
Alison Frey – Dartmouth – Title: Connectivity, Movement, and Distribution of Fish in Offshore Wind Farm Areas
Author(s): Alison Frey, Lauran Brewster, Steve Cadrin, Keith Hankowsky, Chris Rillahan, Pingguo He
Keith Hankowsky – Dartmouth – Title: Spatial and temporal distribution of fish near wind turbines using underwater video cameras
Author(s): Keith Hankowsky, Chris Rillahan, Pingguo He
Julia McDonough – Lowell – Title: DNA methylation and microbiome patterns in response to climate change stressors in eastern oysters
Author(s): Julia G. McDonough, Sarah C. Donelan, T. J. Miller, Sarah Gignoux-Wolfsohn
Alanna Mnich – Dartmouth – Title: Ion microprobe analysis for the determination of δ18O in otoliths from Atlantic bluefin tuna
Author(s): Alanna Mnich, Mark Altabet, Steve Cadrin
Juan Gerardo Gutierrez Bravo – Dartmouth – Title: Estimating trophic level and nitrogen source in zooplankton and fish larvae of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone: a bulk 15N and 13C isotope approach
Author(s): Juan Gerardo Gutierrez Bravo, Mark Altabet, Laura Sanchez Velasco, Sylvia Patricia Alejandra Jimenez Rosenberg
Adriano Giangiardi – Dartmouth – Title: Hindcast Output: An Exploration in the U.S. Northeast (2017-2019)
Author(s): Adriano Giangiardi, Changsheng Chen, Lu Wang
Debarshi Sarkar – Dartmouth – Title: Inaccuracies in reanalysis products: A case study of the Arabian Sea from 2017 to 2018
Author(s): Debarshi Sarkar, Siddhant Kerhalkar, Amit Tandon, Jossia Joseph
Most Israt Jahan Mili – Dartmouth – Title: Absorption-based hyperspectral primary productivity algorithm for the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Author(s): Most Israt Jahan Mili and Steven Lohrenz